Package | |
Type | CodeSystem |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 2.0.0-ballot |
Status | active |
Date | 2024-12-02T18:27:46+00:00 |
Name | BSeR |
Title | BSeR |
Experimental | False |
Realm | us |
Authority | hl7 |
Description | BSeR code system |
Content | complete |
ValueSet | |
BSeR-TelcomCommunicationPreferencesVS ![]() | BSeR Telcom Communication Preferences VS |
No resources found
Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source
Generated Narrative: CodeSystem bser
version: 5; Last updated: 2023-04-12 10:40:11+0000
This case-insensitive code system
defines the following codes:
"resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
"id" : "bser",
"meta" : {
"versionId" : "5",
"lastUpdated" : "2023-04-12T10:40:11.758Z"
"text" : {
"status" : "generated",
"div" : "<div xmlns=\"\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: CodeSystem bser</b></p><a name=\"bser\"> </a><a name=\"hcbser\"> </a><a name=\"bser-en-US\"> </a><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">version: 5; Last updated: 2023-04-12 10:40:11+0000</p></div><p>This case-insensitive code system <code></code> defines the following codes:</p><table class=\"codes\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">BDTC<a name=\"bser-BDTC\"> </a></td><td>Best Day To Call</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">BTTC<a name=\"bser-BTTC\"> </a></td><td>Best Time To Call</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">LMI<a name=\"bser-LMI\"> </a></td><td>Leave Message Indicator</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RSRFS<a name=\"bser-RSRFS\"> </a></td><td>CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestFeedbackSummary</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RSRFSI<a name=\"bser-RSRFSI\"> </a></td><td>CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestFeedbackSupportingInformation</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">RSRSI<a name=\"bser-RSRSI\"> </a></td><td>CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestSupportingInformation</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">OSI<a name=\"bser-OSI\"> </a></td><td>Other Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ORSI<a name=\"bser-ORSI\"> </a></td><td>Obesity Referral Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ARSI<a name=\"bser-ARSI\"> </a></td><td>Arthritis Referral Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">HRSI<a name=\"bser-HRSI\"> </a></td><td>Hypertension Referral Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ECNRSIB<a name=\"bser-ECNRSIB\"> </a></td><td>Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Supporting Information Baby</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ECNRSIM<a name=\"bser-ECNRSIM\"> </a></td><td>Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Supporting Information Mother</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DPRSI<a name=\"bser-DPRSI\"> </a></td><td>Diabetes Prevention Referral Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">TUCRSI<a name=\"bser-TUCRSI\"> </a></td><td>Tobacco Use Cessation Referral Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ORFSI<a name=\"bser-ORFSI\"> </a></td><td>Obesity Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ARFSI<a name=\"bser-ARFSI\"> </a></td><td>Arthritis Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">HRFSI<a name=\"bser-HRFSI\"> </a></td><td>Hypertension Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">ECNRFSI<a name=\"bser-ECNRFSI\"> </a></td><td>Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">DPRFSI<a name=\"bser-DPRFSI\"> </a></td><td>Diabetes Prevention Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\">TUCRFSI<a name=\"bser-TUCRFSI\"> </a></td><td>Tobacco Use Cessation Referral Feedback Supporting Information</td></tr></table></div>"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : [
"system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
"value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.642."
"version" : "2.0.0-ballot",
"name" : "BSeR",
"title" : "BSeR",
"status" : "active",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2024-12-02T18:27:46+00:00",
"publisher" : "HL7 Public Health Working Group",
"contact" : [
"name" : "HL7 Public Health Working Group",
"telecom" : [
"system" : "url",
"value" : ""
"system" : "email",
"value" : ""
"description" : "BSeR code system",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "US"
"caseSensitive" : false,
"content" : "complete",
"count" : 20,
"concept" : [
"code" : "BDTC",
"display" : "Best Day To Call"
"code" : "BTTC",
"display" : "Best Time To Call"
"code" : "LMI",
"display" : "Leave Message Indicator"
"code" : "RSRFS",
"display" : "CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestFeedbackSummary"
"code" : "RSRFSI",
"display" : "CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestFeedbackSupportingInformation"
"code" : "RSRSI",
"display" : "CompositionSectionReferralServiceRequestSupportingInformation"
"code" : "OSI",
"display" : "Other Supporting Information"
"code" : "ORSI",
"display" : "Obesity Referral Supporting Information"
"code" : "ARSI",
"display" : "Arthritis Referral Supporting Information"
"code" : "HRSI",
"display" : "Hypertension Referral Supporting Information"
"code" : "ECNRSIB",
"display" : "Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Supporting Information Baby"
"code" : "ECNRSIM",
"display" : "Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Supporting Information Mother"
"code" : "DPRSI",
"display" : "Diabetes Prevention Referral Supporting Information"
"code" : "TUCRSI",
"display" : "Tobacco Use Cessation Referral Supporting Information"
"code" : "ORFSI",
"display" : "Obesity Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
"code" : "ARFSI",
"display" : "Arthritis Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
"code" : "HRFSI",
"display" : "Hypertension Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
"code" : "ECNRFSI",
"display" : "Early Childhood Nutrition Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
"code" : "DPRFSI",
"display" : "Diabetes Prevention Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
"code" : "TUCRFSI",
"display" : "Tobacco Use Cessation Referral Feedback Supporting Information"
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.